I made a second makeup tutorial for Undyne because I was dissatisfied with my first one, lol. This one combines the best elements of my previous makeups and I think this is the one I will actually go with for my finished cosplay!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Undyne (Undertale) Makeup Version: I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE
Okay so this is my 49327589325632th verison of Undyne, and I think this is the final one actually!
I recieved a lot of positive feedback and great suggestions from the people at my social medias, and I think I'm actually pretty satisfied wit hit. What do you think?
Of course I had to goof around in video as well, lol.
I recieved a lot of positive feedback and great suggestions from the people at my social medias, and I think I'm actually pretty satisfied wit hit. What do you think?
I brought back the black eyebrows and red lips, as well as lightened the skin a bit. I think it looks better!
Of course I had to goof around in video as well, lol.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Vermintide photos by Christer Gustafsson
Hi guys! Just wanted to show you a few of the awesome photos that photographer Christer Gustafsson took of our Vermintide cosplays during DreamHack!
More photos to come! :D
More photos to come! :D
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Monokuma (CosPicky wig review)
I was given an opportunity to review a wig from CosPicky, namely their Monokuma wig, and since I'm a HUGE Dangan Ronpa fan I was really excited!
The wig is split in two parts; one black and one white. It's made out of high quality fibers and was very easy to style and arrange due to the wig being so thick and the strands flexible. The wig has adjustable hooks on the inside, making it easier for you to adjust the size to your own head.
I have always been a fan of thick wigs, haha, and this one even has some grey strands in the middle to even out the line between the black and white! I barely had to cut it anything because the style it arrived in already fit my take on the character so well. The "ears" styled themselves pretty much, because all I needed to do was pull my fingers through the wig a couple of times and the shape would still stay. I do reccmmend fixing your wig with hairspray though, just in case!
I love this makeup and would totally want to cosplay Monokuma on a convention one day with a full group! The wig was a bit big, which is perfect for me since I have very long hair that all needs to fit under the wig cap, haha.
Time for some numbers~
Comfort: 5/5
(Super comfy and well fitting wig!)
Accuracy to picture on website: 4/5
(The wig looks a bit longer on the wig head used on CosPicky's website,
but that's probably because the wig head is smaller than my head!)
Accuracy to character: 5/5
(Well, Monokuma is a bear and doesn't have hair in that sense, but color and
style-wise it's as accurate as it gets.)
Quality: 5/5
(Soft, flexible fibers and really thick in general. Easy to
style and maintain a hair style on.)
Fit: 4/5
(I just have a very small head, hahaha <3)
All in all I'm very happy with the wig and would definitely recommend everyone considering cosplaying Monokuma to get CosPicky's wig for him! This wig actually made me really hyped for finishing a Monokuma cosplay sometime in the future, but I'll need a group first, haha <3
You can find the wig in CosPicky's store here, and if you use the code Mitternacht Cosplay you'll get 10% off all your big orders.
I also made a makeup tutorial on Monokuma's makeup, you'll find it below! It also has some better shots of the wig as a whole!
Thank you so much for reading, take care <33
dangan ronpa,
makeup tutorial,
Friday, November 20, 2015
Muffet - Undertale
Muffet makeup test!
I was actually dared to do this makeup from someone on instagram, haha. I won't make a full cosplay of Muffet because she's pretty much as far from my preferable characters as they come, being all cutsey and loli like. I'll stick with my monster fish waifu.
Quickly sculpted her eyes in doll clay, painted with black nail polish and varnish. They are attached with pros-aide! It's a shame my makeup looks really white in these pics because I tried SO HARD to mix a good violet and it really turned out nice, but the photos ruined it lol.
I made a video makeup tutorial for this lady as well, it will be up in a few days!
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sylvari with Snapdragon Armor - Guild Wars 2
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Sylvari Tier 1 - Guild Wars 2 |
Character: Sylvari (Tier 1 Light cultural Snapdragon armor)
Origin: Guild Wars 2
Year constructed: 2013
Debuted at: NärCon Summer 2013
I've been a huge fan of Guild Wars ever since Prophecies came out. GW was my first ever MMORPG and the one game that shaped my interest in online gaming. Naturally I was more than thrilled for Guild Wars 2 to come out, and when it did, I fell in love at once with the Sylvari race. I loved their color schemes and their nature-like designs. I also saw this as a good opportunity to try out facial prosthetics for the first time, sculpting, molding and casting. I chose to make my own character with an autumn-themed color scheme in orange and yellow colours.
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Metallic robo Sylvari lol |
I had decided early on that this would be the costume that debuted me into worbla. And so I picked the hardest part first - the flower cowl/headpiece. What I did first was making a mockup in metallic paper to see how it would fit my head. This way I could try out shapes, different sizes of the leaves and fitting without wasting worbla. So I used my plaster mold of my head and started taping like crazy.
This is a good thing to do if you need to try something out without wanting to waste material. Nowadays I always do mockups for pretty much everything I do.
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I am so bugged by the small dent right in the middle of the forhead though. |
The cowl looked way better in worbla than in paper since it got so much more volume. I also spent a lot of time making it durable, so I could basically fling it around the air and it would still hold together haha. I loved this cowl because it was sooo much comfier than a wig lol.
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The weirdest photo I've ever taken ever. |
I bought a yellow zentai for the bodysuit which I then airbrushed to give a more muscular and natural look, and it worked our great. I decided against using full body paint because ain't nobody got time fo' dat.
Now, I opted for worbla as material for EVERYTHING in this costume. This was a bad idea I realize now. The hip-armor in the picture was a pain in the butt to shape without a foam core for example. Luckily, I wanted to make the leaf armor look organic, natural and plant like which meant it was okay to have it a bit dented and textured in some places (I kept telling myself lol). The hip guard was help up with elastic bands like a skirt, but it kept sliding down anyways on my slippery zentai haha.
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Pretty colors <3 |
After making all the different parts it was time to paint it all. This was the first time ever I used an airbrush and I totally went overboard with it, haha, but I loved the color combinations so much!
The base layer was spray painted with regular spray cans (I use Molotow spray paint which is usually meant for graffitti painters, which makes it super durable and sturdy). I used shades of red and yellow for this. For the second layer I went over it with airbrush paint in yellow, red, orange, sienna, ockra and other shades. For the final touch I used acrylics to make details such as the veins on the flowers stand out. I chose to make the veins on the red leaves on the cowl cartoony to make it look more artificial in contrast to the rest of the armor.
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Completely destroyed my dad's lawn while painting this monse |
Now, I had chosen to make the "bra" and the shoulder pads 100% worbla. This was a bad idea. The shoulder joints were so stiff they kept breaking every time a did a big movement with my shoulders. Had I used a softer material like fabric for the joint this wouldn't be a problem.
Also the bra was pretty uncomfortable being only made out of worbla, and since it was held together with velcro it would also open itself whenever I bent my back. Lesson learned; worbla is not always great for everything.
I can't seem to find a picture of my bracers, but I can tell the same about them; having the loop holes for my fingers and wrist guards made out of worbla was really uncomfortable and left scars and marks on my wrists. I learned a lot about worbla with this costume - how to use it and also when NOT to use it.
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Not getting into Face Off with those edges. |
Now the facial prosthetic I made was the first one I ever made, so I made it very simple for myself. It's only a half mask - once piece - that covers my nose, eyebrows and forehead. Looking back at it, I could have made it so much more detailed haha, but I was a newbie and wanted to play it safe. The edges were horribly thick and I had to incorperate lines and dots into the design just to hide them.
I used latex to cast them and prosaide to attach them. Once again, today I would have made this prosthetic very differently - I would have made several pieces to cover my whole face and not just a mask, and I would definitely have made a more complementing design lol.
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Loving the hair net. |
The picture to the right is the same prosthetic but with different makeup (you can see it has the same sharp eyebrows, forhead folds and lines under the eyes.
I was so unsatisfied with the first prosthetic I simply had to remakeup it, haha. I skipped the green paint because there is NO green on the rest of her costume. I also bought a gold eyeliner for highlighter, which made it a lot better. The yellow contacts added a lot to the design as well. I really like the butterfly-like design the second mask had!
Lesson learned; less is more when it comes to facial beauty prosthetics.
However I was too scared to glue the edges around the eyes because of the prosaide so it looked really crappy and unrealistic hahaha.
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Plot twist; I was just being lazy. |
In the end after wearing the costume three times, I just opted for regular makeup instead of the prosthetic. I was so unhappy with the quality of the mask and the rough edges, I just said screw it. This facepaint took about twenty minutes to apply - half time time the prosthetic took - and was way waaaay more comfortable.
As you can see it's way simpler than the prosthetic makeup, but I opted for comfort this time, not looks :P
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Aaah look it's my old room before I moved out <3 |
This is the final progress photo of the costume before the con. The fabric part (the skirt in between the armor) was fake leather with a leaf texture that I found on sale, haha. It was first spray painted and then airbrushed in orange, red, yellow and gold.
After seeing this picture I can honestly say I don't know why I made the fabric flaps hang straight down, when in the reference it clearly has a lot of shape and defies gravity a little. Maybe I just didn't see it, or I was lazy or out of time. As stated before, there are many things I would remake today :P
Quick word about my bow and arrow; they are both made out of tree branches from the forest next to my back yard, haha. I picked fresh sticks so they wouldn't rot or stiffen too much before the con. Naturally I had to wait with the bow until last so the sticks would last longer. Making a bow out of real branches is nothing I recommend, hahaha, but I was short on time and thought it was a great idea. The bow was adorned with fake flowers and leaves from IKEA :D
This was a learning cosplay for me. It was the first time I used worbla, prosthetics and airbrushing. I was not as satisfied with it as I should have been, and looking back at it I see I could have made so many things differently! But I learned a lot and that's what counts. It was also fun to make it as a duo cosplay with my bf. However, it was with this costume I realized how much I dislike making just armor sets and not actualy characters. My sylvari had little to no personality and it was pretty boring to portray her since I didn't know any good poses or anything.
But as stated; this was a learning costume and I had tons of fun wearing it. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color scheme, I felt like a little bolt of sunlight walking around at the con, haha.
But as stated; this was a learning costume and I had tons of fun wearing it. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color scheme, I felt like a little bolt of sunlight walking around at the con, haha.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Photo editing
Let's talk about photo editing!
I love playing around with different lights and hues in my photos. I mainly use Lightroom for photo editing.
However, I have a very strict rule for myself that I can never change things in photoshop that I wouldn't be able to change in real life. Sure, I'm okay with filling in a bit of smudged eyeliner in PS, or fixing some stray wig hair strands, or playing around with light settings - because it's something I could've done for real and then taken a new photo of, it's simply time saving.
But I wouldn't be able to change anything about my physical appearence in photoshop. I know the view on this is very different from cosplayer to cosplayer (and photographer to photographer), but this is just something personal. I feel like in a hobby where everything is fake, glitter and illusions, I have to at least be true enough to myself to trust my own appearence. It's also a confidence thing, haha. My confidence is surprisingly low, so this is a step to perhaps building it up a bit Smiley smile
What's you opinion on photo editing? Where do you draw your line?
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Steven Universe Makeup Master Post UPDATED
I wanted to update my Steven Universe makeup master post since I added a few new ones! Working on tutorials for Pearl and maybe Jasper atm!
Please note that all of these (except for Malachite and Jasper) are only makeup tests and not full cosplays, which is why the wigs are not 100% correct since I only grabbed what I had at home (for instance, Ruby's and Sapphire's are a bit off), but it's what I had Smiley heart Jasper is collab between me and my bf!
I have makeup tutorials for almost all of these, which you'll find here if you're interested!;
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Malachite's legs tutorial - Steven Universe
guys! I recieve so many questions on a daily basis on how I made my
extra legs for my Malachite cosplay, so I think it’s time to make a
short tutorial. Let’s get started!
Aluminium metal piece/stick
Thin metal pipes
Aluminium duct
Pipe insulation
2 “locked” wheels (two direction wheels)
Expanding foam
Upholstery cotton
Spandex fabric
Duct tape
Optional: Plastic pipe
Hot glue gun
A good saw (preferrably an industrial saw)
Some good clamps
General tools (drills, hammer, screwdriver etc)
The first thing I did was make a small sketch of what I wanted to build. I had an idea that I needed to make a skeleton for the legs since I wanted them to move and ”walk” and be sturdy enough. So my sketch looked something like this.
Aluminium metal piece/stick
Thin metal pipes
Aluminium duct
Pipe insulation
2 “locked” wheels (two direction wheels)
Expanding foam
Upholstery cotton
Spandex fabric
Duct tape
Optional: Plastic pipe
Hot glue gun
A good saw (preferrably an industrial saw)
Some good clamps
General tools (drills, hammer, screwdriver etc)
The first thing I did was make a small sketch of what I wanted to build. I had an idea that I needed to make a skeleton for the legs since I wanted them to move and ”walk” and be sturdy enough. So my sketch looked something like this.
After that, I used the plastic pipes and duct tape to build a prototype of the skeleton. This isn’t anything I would use in my final product, but it was actualyl a good idea to build a prototype in full scale to try, because I found a lot of measurements and placements that looked off which I fixed until the prototype looked like I wanted it to.
After that I started building the skeleton. When it was done it looked somewhat like this;
The spine is made out of aluminium, because it’s light weight and very sturdy. I covered it with a thick aluminium duct to make the torso hollow and hence even more light weight. The legs are bade out of metal pipes that I hammered into a bent form. The wheels are detachable for easy transportation. I used fixed wheels which can only move back and forth because it gave the legs a better stability than wheels that can spin 360 degrees.
The torso is loosely attached to the legs with a pair of screw nuts, making the torso able to move left and right.
The torso ends in a curve that follows the small of my back. I’ll come back to this later!
With the skeleton finished, I started working on the body. I used expanding foam for this, because it’s easy to carve into various shapes once it’s dry. Reminder though that expanding foam is very toxic, don’t use it inside and please use proper protection equipment!
I carved out the leg and torso shapes out of the expanding foam to get the general shape. But it’s hard to get a smooth surface with ONLY expanding foam, which is why I decided to cover the legs and torso in upholstery cotton.
This photo looks so macabre, haha. I attached the cotton all over the body using hot glue. This is just to get a smooth surface over the foam and make the legs a bit spongy. I made sure to cover enough for it to look good, but still enabling me to reach the nuts at the end of the spine and the wheels, since I wanted to be able to adjust them if needed.
This is what Malachite’s butt looked like when I stuffed it. /cue laughter
This is the end of the spine, the part that will hold up the legs and attach it to me. I trilled three holes in it, because I wanted to make completely sure that the kidney belt (yes) that was gonna work as fastening would be properly attached, and I have a big distrust for glue.
This is a kidney belt! I got it from my boyfriend’s father. A kidney belt is used in various motor sports to prevent your intestines from wandering about when you’re travelling in high speed. Yes. But I used it like a friendly corset. See, a kidney belt can work like a corset but is ten times more comfortable, safe and easy to attach. I sewed this belt onto the end of the spine. So to attach the legs to me, I simply put on the kidney belt. I had a small hole in my bodysuit where the aluminium spine could enter :D This hole is covered by the black bodice when I wear the full costume. After this I simply covered the legs and torso with spandex and sewed on the stripes. The black bodice is snapped closed using velcro and buttons around my waist and legs, the velcro hidden under the yellow diamond at the front :D
Now the feet/hands of the hind legs are made out of upholstery foam/mattess foam which I carved into hands and covered with fabric. I used the same pattern for these hands as I did for the ones I attached to a pair of shoes and wore on my real legs. The feet/hands on the back legs are hollow so the wheel can roll freely inside them.
Now, about the movement. Fastened to my real legs, I have invisible string, so called fishing string, which is insanely strong and almost completely invisible. These lines go from my feet to the fake hind feet, making the legs move as I walk. zbr>
I have a video of this which you can find here here;https://www.facebook.com/MitternachtCosplay/videos/vb.308131265883521/1064959060200734/?type=3&theater
And this is how the legs looked when finished!
This was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever created, because the construction of the skeleton was much harder than it sounds. Things such as balance, durability and movement ability are VITAL when making this sort of thing. I had a huge help in having a big workshop to work in, with industrial machines and a big variety of materials. My boyfriend also helped out by animating a digital model of the legs and their movement, which helped a lot.And my boyfriend’s dad helped a lot as well. He’s a master builder and came with MANY smart solutions when we got stuck.
I hope this tutorial answered some of your questions! If you’re interested in more progress photos, I have an entire album over at my facebook page;http://www.facebook.com/MitternachtCosplay
Feel free to ask if you have questions! Thanks for reading
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Steven Universe Makeup Tutorials Videos
Yo peeps!
I figured I'd gather my Steven Universe makeup-tutorials in one post, for simplicity.
They're all uploaded on YouTube, and I have several other makeup tutorials on my channel, just not related to SU! Check them out if you're bored!
Wig looks a lil freaky here, haha, but I fixed it afterwards!
Song: 80's Rock Steven Universe - Lapis Lazuli Extended Cover by Cyril the Wolf
PLEASE check out the genius behind this song, I love it so much!
I figured I'd gather my Steven Universe makeup-tutorials in one post, for simplicity.
They're all uploaded on YouTube, and I have several other makeup tutorials on my channel, just not related to SU! Check them out if you're bored!
Ruby and Sapphire makeup tutorial
(Shut up and fuse with me, by Perfectly Vindictive)
YES I know Ruby's wig is read and it's not supposed to be, haha.
Both wigs are a bit unfitting, but it's what I had at home!
Could have also used some contacts for Ruby, but same as before, didn't have any good ones at home :P
(Shut up and fuse with me, by Perfectly Vindictive)
YES I know Ruby's wig is read and it's not supposed to be, haha.
Both wigs are a bit unfitting, but it's what I had at home!
Could have also used some contacts for Ruby, but same as before, didn't have any good ones at home :P
Lapis Lazuli makeup tutorial
Wig looks a lil freaky here, haha, but I fixed it afterwards!
Song: 80's Rock Steven Universe - Lapis Lazuli Extended Cover by Cyril the Wolf
PLEASE check out the genius behind this song, I love it so much!
Malachite makeup tutorial
First song is Malachite's theme from the show
Second song is Bubble Pop by Hyuna
Third song is Hermione by Pogo :)
I used a regular white, long with with bangs as base. Not optimal, but what I had at home. Then I styled it using hairspray and a hair dryer.
Where did you get your eyeshadow palette?
I don't remember the store sadly, but it's from eBay!
Second song is Bubble Pop by Hyuna
Third song is Hermione by Pogo :)
I used a regular white, long with with bangs as base. Not optimal, but what I had at home. Then I styled it using hairspray and a hair dryer.
Where did you get your eyeshadow palette?
I don't remember the store sadly, but it's from eBay!
Is there any other makeup tutorial (Steven Universe or other) that you'd want me to make? Let me know! <3
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Bloody Mary 2.0 and Bigby 1.0
So I just recieved my contacts, which means it's time for a new makeup test!
The contacts are 22mm Goblin scleras without prescription (meaning I'm blind as a bat wearing them) and I love them soo much! Sadly my eyes are a bit too large for them to cover the entire eye white, but I'll do some squinting and I'll be fine!
I'm pretty much done with everything now, save for actually acsting the prosthetics for the face. They're already sculpted and finished, but I'm a lazy butt and have postponed casting them for some reason. I'll try to get it finished tomorrow!
What I used for this makeup;
I can't really decide if I'm gonna celshade the mirror shards or not though? They look more realistic without, but it kinda takes the edge off the cartoony feeling, you know what I'm saying? What do you think?
We also did a fast makeup test for my boyfriend the other day!
Here you can see a better photo of my scleras, and the first makeup test for Bigby on my bf! The wig is just a substitute while we wait for his real wig to arrive :D There are still a lot of things to fix, but we'll get there!
Finishing off this post with some more idiotic lip-syncing, haha <3
The contacts are 22mm Goblin scleras without prescription (meaning I'm blind as a bat wearing them) and I love them soo much! Sadly my eyes are a bit too large for them to cover the entire eye white, but I'll do some squinting and I'll be fine!
I'm pretty much done with everything now, save for actually acsting the prosthetics for the face. They're already sculpted and finished, but I'm a lazy butt and have postponed casting them for some reason. I'll try to get it finished tomorrow!
What I used for this makeup;
- Fake blood (lots of it)
- 22mm sclera contacts
- Scarecrow large fangs
- Derma wax (to fasten the shards to my face)
- Liquid latex (to fasten the wax)
- Mirror shards (just regular silvery paper)
- Liquid eyeliner (for the celshaded bits)
- Aqua makeup (for her tattoos)
I can't really decide if I'm gonna celshade the mirror shards or not though? They look more realistic without, but it kinda takes the edge off the cartoony feeling, you know what I'm saying? What do you think?
We also did a fast makeup test for my boyfriend the other day!
Here you can see a better photo of my scleras, and the first makeup test for Bigby on my bf! The wig is just a substitute while we wait for his real wig to arrive :D There are still a lot of things to fix, but we'll get there!
Finishing off this post with some more idiotic lip-syncing, haha <3
Til next time <3
Monday, May 11, 2015
Mad Moxxi Cosplay Review UPDATED - Costume by CosplaySky
I'm a huge Borderlands nerd, we all know that. No news here. And I have a gazillion badass bitches from this game that I want to cosplay. Mad Moxxi is one of them. However, her costume is very detailed, has a lot of hand painted work and maaaany accessories so I just never took the time needed to make it. Also this is not really the costume type I usually wear and I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to pull her off.
Then one day everything changed when CosplaySky offered me a Moxxi cosplay, as part of a sponsorship deal. Heck yeah, I said! Let's do this!
NOTE: This is an updated review with extra notes on the wearability and comfort of the costume, scroll down to read it!
Here is the link to the cosplay I recieved;
CosplaySky.com - Mad Moxxi Purple
You can also get her red outfit, but I think the purple one is prettier. If you order from CosplaySky you can either get a costume with premade measurements, or you can fill in your own measurements and have it all tailored to fit you exactly. That's what I did and the costume fit like a glove! It was a little big around the waist, but I believe that to be because I lost some weight since I filled in the measurements, and it was easily fixed!
The entire cosplay took about two weeks to make and one week (!) to be delievered. As you know I'm really picky about waiting for mail for a long period of time, haha, so I was super happy and surprised!
The parts included with the costume are as follows;
Said and done, I threw together a quick test (with a substitute wig and no shoe covers) and I absolutely love it! I never thought I was gonna be able to pull this cosplay off, but I think I can actually do this!!
The entire coat is fully lined and everything from the fabric, seams and lining to the buttons, prints and details are just perfect and so carefully attached. No hot-glue buttons here! Even the hat is lined, which is a big deal for me haha <3 They even added Moxxi's off button which is larger than the others, and they look great together.
Something else that I really love is that all the decorations, swirls, patches and logos are actually printed onto the fabric! It looks very realistic and professional.
The belts, gloves and bag are all made out of pleather and are attached with velcro. The striped sock is made out of knitted fabric and stretches up top.
Although there are several buttons visible on the costume, the entire coat opens and closes with invisible snap-buttons. This is nice because the outside buttons never lose their shape and symmetry, and the snap buttons works perfectly fine on their own!
Time for some ratings!
After wearing this cosplay for an entire photoshoot, I can add some text about comfort!
The costume itself is very easy to move in - the stockings are a good quality that doesn't slide down, which is something that usually bothers me haha <3 I also like the fact that the hat was very lightweight, making it easy for me to pin it onto my wig, and even though it was very windy outside the hat stayed put during the entire shoot!
The coat is very comfortable to wear and has a really nice fit due to it being tailored to fit me. The gloves are made in stretch fabric and I'd think they would fit most hands! Belts also comes with long straps of velcro, making it easy to adjust them depending in your size. I love the small details like the chest-part of the coat being big enough to allow me to use a push up bra hahaha <3
The only thing uncomfortable with the costume are the ridicilously high heels, haha!
All in all I'm super satisfied with my cosplay <3 It looks exactly as the original Moxxi costume from the game does, all the details are included and the quality is amazing. I really recommend CosplaySky if you ever want to order a costume yourself!!
CosplaySky.com - Mad Moxxi Purple
You can also get her red outfit, but I think the purple one is prettier. If you order from CosplaySky you can either get a costume with premade measurements, or you can fill in your own measurements and have it all tailored to fit you exactly. That's what I did and the costume fit like a glove! It was a little big around the waist, but I believe that to be because I lost some weight since I filled in the measurements, and it was easily fixed!
The entire cosplay took about two weeks to make and one week (!) to be delievered. As you know I'm really picky about waiting for mail for a long period of time, haha, so I was super happy and surprised!
The parts included with the costume are as follows;
- Coat
- Hat
- Gloves
- Waist bag
- Two belts
- Striped stocking
Said and done, I threw together a quick test (with a substitute wig and no shoe covers) and I absolutely love it! I never thought I was gonna be able to pull this cosplay off, but I think I can actually do this!!
The entire coat is fully lined and everything from the fabric, seams and lining to the buttons, prints and details are just perfect and so carefully attached. No hot-glue buttons here! Even the hat is lined, which is a big deal for me haha <3 They even added Moxxi's off button which is larger than the others, and they look great together.
Something else that I really love is that all the decorations, swirls, patches and logos are actually printed onto the fabric! It looks very realistic and professional.
The belts, gloves and bag are all made out of pleather and are attached with velcro. The striped sock is made out of knitted fabric and stretches up top.
Although there are several buttons visible on the costume, the entire coat opens and closes with invisible snap-buttons. This is nice because the outside buttons never lose their shape and symmetry, and the snap buttons works perfectly fine on their own!
Time for some ratings!
- Comfort: 4/5
- Size: 5/5
- Accuracy to original: 5/5
- Movability: 3/5
- Quality: 5/5
After wearing this cosplay for an entire photoshoot, I can add some text about comfort!
The costume itself is very easy to move in - the stockings are a good quality that doesn't slide down, which is something that usually bothers me haha <3 I also like the fact that the hat was very lightweight, making it easy for me to pin it onto my wig, and even though it was very windy outside the hat stayed put during the entire shoot!
The coat is very comfortable to wear and has a really nice fit due to it being tailored to fit me. The gloves are made in stretch fabric and I'd think they would fit most hands! Belts also comes with long straps of velcro, making it easy to adjust them depending in your size. I love the small details like the chest-part of the coat being big enough to allow me to use a push up bra hahaha <3
The only thing uncomfortable with the costume are the ridicilously high heels, haha!
All in all I'm super satisfied with my cosplay <3 It looks exactly as the original Moxxi costume from the game does, all the details are included and the quality is amazing. I really recommend CosplaySky if you ever want to order a costume yourself!!
I've made a video review of the cosplay as well, check it out down below!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Mad Moxxi Photoshoot
Hi guys! I just had a photoshoot with the Mad Moxxi cosplay, check them out below!
The cosplay is sponsored by CosplaySky (http://www.cosplaysky.com). I absolutely love it and I highly recommend CosplaySky for anyone looking for extraordinary cosplays to buy <3
The cosplay is sponsored by CosplaySky (http://www.cosplaysky.com). I absolutely love it and I highly recommend CosplaySky for anyone looking for extraordinary cosplays to buy <3
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