Saturday, December 12, 2015

Undyne (Undertale) Makeup Version: I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE

Okay so this is my 49327589325632th verison of Undyne, and I think this is the final one actually!
I recieved a lot of positive feedback and great suggestions from the people at my social medias, and I think I'm actually pretty satisfied wit hit. What do you think?

I brought back the black eyebrows and red lips, as well as lightened the skin a bit. I think it looks better!

Of course I had to goof around in video as well, lol.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool!
    I love how you did the scaly effect! How did you do it, by the way? :)
    I've been thinking about doing some merman/sea creature look someday and I'm stuck on figuring out a cool way to make the skin appear to have scales...

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